Ceviche in Tomato Sauce
Soy Protein Ceviche, delicious and healthy, nutritionally balanced, 160 gr canned.
Low calorie, low sodium, low sugar, low fat, gluten free, rich in vitamin C and quercetin.
Product Information
- Low in calories
- Low in fat, sodium and sugar
- no added sugar
- Without gluten
- Free of Monosodium Glutamate (GMC)
- rich in protein
- Rich in antioxidants and quercetin
- Rich in vitamins and minerals
- BPA free canned and 100% recyclable
Instructions for use
Uncover the can and consume alone or with companions, at room temperature or cold.
Enjoy this ceviche alone or accompanied:
- For breakfast, with arepa or toast.
- To lunch, over pasta or mixed with your favorite salad.
- to the food, with some delicious patacones.
Enjoy this ceviche alone or accompanied:
- To share with your friends as a dip to accompany cookies and nachos.
- In your children's lunch box as a delicious snack.
- In the office for a quick lunch.
- Practical to feed yourself on walks and hikes.
- After sports it helps you reduce free radicals and build muscle.